1st United Methodist Church of Marlborough

Ghana Mission Trip: July 2002

Wednesday, July 31, 2002

Ghana Mission Accomplished -- Most Team Members Are Now Home!

Most members of the Ghana Mission Team arrived at Logan Airport in Boston on Monday afternoon, 29 July.  Weary, but joyful they are feeling abundantly blessed by their time in West Africa.  Memories and personal stories abound.  Several team members will either return to their home churches in Newton and the greater Boston area (including Falmouth, Duxbury, Plymouth, West Bridgewater) or will travel to one of them on Sunday, 4 August, Sunday, 11 August and Sunday, 18 August to share their experiences.

We thank the Lord for preparing the way for them, for equipping each one to serve as He determined, and for returning them safely to their loved ones and friends.  To Him be all the honor, glory and praise!  God is good -- ALL the time.  And ALL the time -- God is good!
Saturday, July 27, 2002

Probably our last Ghana News...

During another phone conversation with her mother, Kathy mentioned that the workers from Ghana worked late every day and when it came time for the Dedication on Thursday, they hurried and cleaned up so that they could be there...In fact, one of the contractors mentioned to the mission group that the workers wanted to be at the Dedication and hoped that "our group" would recognize them all cleaned up as they are so dusty and dirty as they work"  Kathy also mentioned that as soon as the walls were up that she and others white washed them. The walls just "sucked up the white wash"; then they did it again so it would be better. When they finished the walls, the locals unrolled some linoleum on all the ground ( as a temporary measure ) so that they would look better and so it would not be so dusty in the church.

In preparation for the Dedication, the front columns were draped with lace and a huge ribbon which was cut during the ceremony...At the very last, they brought in the glass for the windows, which are like louvers with 3 panels...Kathy said it was almost unbelievable how it looked in such a short time!....Today (Saturday) I received an e-mail from my son Josh. He reports that they arrived safely at the Presbyterian Women's Retreat Center yesterday, and that everyone is doing well. "The bus ride was long, but that is ok." Tonight the mission team is going to have dinner with the Bishop at the Methodist headquarters. Tomorrow they will worship at a local church. Then they are going to pack for the return trip home. The plane leaves Accra at 8:30 p.m. (Accra time). They are scheduled to arrive at Logan Airport in Boston at 12:50 p.m. on Monday.) I have enjoyed very much sharing the news of the Ghana Mission Team's work and travels with each of you over the past two weeks. I hope that you have been as blessed in receiving it, as I have been in sending these messages along. May the Lord keep you and your loved ones in His care.

In Christ,


Thursday, July 25, 2002

Lots of info about the Ghana Trip and Team

As previously planned, mission team member Dan Silver returned from Ghana last night (Wednesday). Following 36 hours of travel (which began with a 5 hour ride on a public bus), he arrived home safe and sound. During a phone conversation with him this afternoon, he shared some of his memories from the trip. Your friends/colleagues/loved ones/church family members will certainly have many personal stories to share when they return, but in the mean time, I believe the details and comments that follow will help broaden your understanding of what the past 7-10 days have been like for those serving in Ghana.


The Ghanaian women working at the site were carrying the cement blocks on their heads while walking through thick mud -- the mission team members struggled to keep up with them. The mission team had air conditioning and CNN at the resort; the Azani village has open sewers and no electricity. Little things we take for granted may delight others -- the kids from the village were crazy for empty water bottles. (The team gave away many soccer balls to the kids and Bibles.)

Other interesting details:

Everyone has made them feel so welcome, and the team members work well together. Everyone is getting along very well. On Friday evening, 19 July the group participated in a Revival Meeting.  Pastor Seth preached in English while someone translated the message into Twi. (My apologies if I misspelled that.) The meeting included personal testimonies by Mary LaPlante, Rob Gall, and Joanne Carr.

The mission team made national TV in Ghana 3 times. Candy Hallett coordinated musical presentations for the team -- during the Sunday morning service Dan Gaulin & Dan Silver played guitar and all lifted their voices up in song. They had two "big hits" -- "Jesus loves me" (a Ghanaian version), and "Standing on the Rock".

During the Sunday, 9 a.m. service (which lasted for 3 1/2 hours), Pastor Seth preached in Twi and did his own translation into English. 1,000 people in the church were involved in dancing their tithes and offerings down the aisles and throughout the church (including the balconies) during that Sunday morning worship service. It took 30-45 minutes for that alone. Some attended the 7 a.m. service before that, and many attended a "marathon" praise & worship service on Sunday night as well. Danso and Faisil are the two drivers hired to transport the group by vans; they've participated in most of the activities with the team.  Chris Hallett, Ross Fisher, and Rob Gall have been coordinating the computer equipment set ups and the trainings. The catwalk that team members used during their tour of the forest last week is 30 meters high (about 100 feet) in some places. Jenny Styers is the team's nurse and handles the first-aid kit.

The team enjoyed interacting with those from the area, especially the children. They taught them how to play "keep away" at the work site; they also played soccer with them at the beach -- but the adults couldn't keep up with the kids! Dan says that the Acquah's bed & breakfast has "the best view in Ghana".  It's located on top of a hill overlooking the water. The view from their porch is magnificent.

At the point Dan left, the windows had already been installed as well as most of the doors, and they were painting the exterior of the building.  Work had also been done on the foundation of the Sunday School rooms. Matt Beckles and his construction knowledge have been invaluable to the team -- especially with the installation of the windows.

The team will be leaving Busua Beach by bus to return to Accra tomorrow (Friday). The ride takes about 5 hours. Saturday is scheduled for sightseeing in Accra, and then most of the group leaves for the U.S. via Zurich on Sunday.

It should also be noted that the Ghanaian women were working in their bare feet, while our team had on shoes or sneakers.

"Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance." (Jude 2)


Tuesday, July 23, 2002

"Flavor of the Mission"

Over the past week, you've received mostly facts about what the mission team has been doing and when. Based on a recent telephone call with her daughter, Kathy Rogers' mother shares a bit of the "flavor" of the the team's stay:

"The village grounds where they are building the church are composed of clay. The local women gather the dry clay /sand by hand, put it into large aluminum bowls, and then carry them on their heads to the work sites... Kathy and others worked on chopping up an abandoned ant hill so that they could have the masons make and put up bricks (the women make bricks also)....At times some of the group play soccer and/or play ball with the children from the village.

The mission group has plenty to eat -- mostly rice, chicken, fish, but no fruit or vegetables unless they're provided at the hotel or if they wash and peel it themselves at the hotel. The papaya and banana look green to the Americans, but they are "wonderful and so fresh!"

As mentioned before, everyone including the people at the hotel provide really good service and are very friendly. Their laundry is being handled very well.

Finally, as to the worship service on Sunday, "There was a lot of singing and the people were so enthusiastic and worshipping ...then when it was time for the offering, everyone made their way down to the large "offering bowl" and back down the aisle shuffling their feet in perfect harmony and rhythm like a conga line dance. It was awesome!!"


Monday, July 22, 2002

What follows is an e-mail from the Ghana mission team regarding what has been happening over the past few days. The items in brackets are my additions based on information from telephone conversations with other team members.



"By the grace of God everyone is doing well. The trestles are up on the church, and we put in all the windows. It is really starting to take form. In addition, we finished the bathroom a few days ago - including tiling.

Yesterday [Sunday] we had a wonderful day at Bethel Methodist Church - where Rev. Charlie Bark preached at the 7:00 a.m. service and Pastor Seth preached at the 9:00 a.m. service (which lasted till 12:45 p.m.). Though it was a long service, the time passed very quickly due to all the excitement.

For lunch yesterday we went to the regional minister's mansion. He is the equivalent of the "governor" of the western region of Ghana.  We visited Elmina Castle [reported as "disturbing" by one team member] on Friday and also Kakum Forest where we walked along the canopy via a catwalk. [There were 7 bridges they needed to walk across; visitors climb up to the catwalk which is above the trees so that they don't disturb the forest and wildlife. Since their trip was during the day, all they saw were butterflies and lizards.]  Thank you for all of your prayers for us and our mission, and we know that God will grant us safe travels home.

God bless,

Chris and Rob"


Thursday, July 18, 2002

Here's the latest news from the Ghana Mission Team:

With the assistance of skilled tradesmen and artisans from the area as well as women from surrounding villages, the work on the church in Azani is progressing well. The team's construction efforts have been somewhat hampered by rain, but they worked hauling bricks, etc. today despite the weather. Fortunately, the weather forecast indicates the rain should end this weekend. During their time in the area, they have also met with several tribal chiefs who have been very supportive of their efforts. In faith, Bishop Egyir has scheduled the Commissioning Service for the chapel for July 25th.

Last night they installed at the Methodist church in Takoradi the donated computers they brought with them. (By God's grace, all of the computers are up and running.) The congregation there surprised them with a parade and bands with the students greeting them dressed in their uniforms. To quote one of the team members, "The hospitality here has been amazing."

This afternoon/evening the actual computer training will begin. (The church in Takoradi is about an hour away from Busua Beach where they are staying.) Those not involved in the training will have an opportunity to explore the area. The mission team is taking Friday off from the work site so that they can visit the Elmina Slave Castle which they didn't get to see on Tuesday, as well as do a tour of the equatorial forest. They will return to work at the site on Saturday. On Sunday, both Pastor Seth and Rev. Bark are scheduled to preach during worship services at Bethel Methodist Church Takoradi. (One during the 9 a.m. service; the other during the 11 a.m. service.) Please remember to keep all of the families of those serving on the mission team in Ghana in your prayers in the days ahead.

Tuesday, July 16, 2002

The mission team is now at Busua Beach

The Ghana mission team was met & greeted at the airport in Accra on Sunday by Bishop Egyir and the small group he brought with him.  As planned, they stayed at the Presbyterian Women's Center in Accra for Sunday and Monday evening, and checked in with the American and Canadian embassies.  There's lots of traffic in the city & lots of folks trying to sell them things. 

The group enjoyed a nice lunch at the Acquah's Bed & Breakfast today.  Torrential rains did hit while they were at the Acquah's, and the bus rides are reportedly "long, and rather slow".  They did not stop at the slave castle along the way as originally planned, but did arrive late this afternoon at Busua Beach where they will be staying while they work on the church construction project.  Based on a telephone call from my son, the trip so far has "been really good".  He reports that, "People are so nice and they've been going out of their way for us."  In another team member's words, Busua Beach "is beautiful" and they are "having a wonderful time".

Tomorrow (Wednesday) will be the first day the group goes to the village where they will be working.  Wake-up will be around 5:30 a.m. so that they can have breakfast before leaving for the village and work site.  In the late afternoon, everyone will travel to the city church where the computer training will begin.

I'll send out more information to each of you as I receive it.

Please continue to keep all of those serving the Lord in Ghana in your prayers.  God is good -- ALL the time!  To Him be all honor, glory and praise.

Sunday, July 14, 2002

The Mission Team Has Arrived!

We have just received a telephone message that the mission team to Ghana has arrived safely in Accra (the capital). They report that the flight was long, however everyone is fine. We should expect our first e-mail message from the group tomorrow.

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Phone: (508)485-1980

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Page Last Updated: 10/10/2005